Eden Place

Eden Place FAQs



Eden Place FAQs



Eden Place FAQs




What are the check-in and check-out time?

Check-in is at 3:00 PM, and check-out is at 11:00 AM

How can I request an early check-in or late check-out time?

To request an early check-in or late check-out, simply contact the property using the details provided in your confirmation email.

Does the apartment have parking facilities?

Yes, the property provides parking facilities for one car per reservation. If you have multiple cars, please contact the property for further instructions and arrangements.

Does the apartment allow pets?

Unfortunately, we do not allow pets in our apartment.

How do I find out if the apartment has a certain facility, e.g. a lift or microwave?

You can easily find information about the facilities available in our apartment by visiting our Amenities page

How can I cancel or change my booking?

If you need to cancel or make changes to your booking, please follow the cancellation process provided by the booking channel through which you made your reservation.

Do I pay a cancellation fee?

Cancellation fee depends on the cancellation policy of the booking channel and the timing of the cancellation.

Where can I check apartment rates?

To find detailed pricing information for your desired stay, please click here

How can I let you know comments or suggestions about the apartment?

We appreciate reviews and suggestions. You can share your comments with us by sending an email to hello@edenplacevi.com or by leaving a review on our Google page

What should I do, if I lose or forget something in my room?

If you happen to lose or forget an item in your room, please send us an email at hello@edenplacevi.com with a detailed description of the item. Our team will promptly check and assist you in locating your lost belongings if they got missing during your stay at the apartment.

Which credit cards are accepted?

We accept all major credit cards. You can use Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover, among others, to make payments for your reservation and any additional services during your stay.

By when do I have to cancel my booking, if I have to?

You have the liberty to cancel your booking at any time. However, it's important to note that there might be penalties for cancellations made closer to the arrival date. We recommend reviewing our cancellation policy to ensure you are aware of the timeframe and any potential charges.

Are smoking rooms available?

No, our apartment is 100% smoke-free. Smoking is not allowed in any of our rooms or indoor areas. Smoking in prohibited areas may result in penalties.

Is there a fitness center?

Yes, we have a fully-equipped gym on the premises for our guests' use.

What are the facilities available?

For a detailed list of the facilities we offer, please refer to our amenities page

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